
Full Colour Logo

vertical sqwell logo

Grayscale Logo

vertical sqwell logo

Brown Monochrome Logo

vertical sqwell logo

Black & White Logo

vertical sqwell logo

Vertical Variation

vertical sqwell logo

Sqwell Favicons

16 X 16px
sqwell favicon
32 X 32px
sqwell favicon
48 X 48px
sqwell favicon

Incorrect Logo Usage Examples

Do not Sqweesh or stretch logo

sqwell favicon
sqwell favicon

Do not use colours outside of our colour pallete

sqwell favicon

Do not adjust the alignment of the Sqwee "S"

sqwell favicon


Sqwell's logo integrates our company mascot, Sqwee, seamlessly into our company name. The warm brown colour scheme utlizes the hues and shades of our signature orange colour, also used for our squirrel mascot, imparting a cohesive visual identity. The font Nunito matches our body text and aligns with our brand identity. The design uses three layers of text, utilizing shadows and highlights, to create a three-dimensional effect. The Soft rounded edges add a touch of modernity and playfulness to the overall feel of our Web App.

Clear Space

The minimum clear space around the Sqwell logo is specified at 24 pixels or approximately 0.25 inches, ensuring that the logo remains distinct and recognizable amidst surrounding elements. This space is equivalent to the width of one acorn, as depicted in the vertical logo variant.

Sizing Options

The minimum size, as used within Sqwell's Web App is 370 X 177 pixels guaranteeing its legibility and impact across various screen sizes and resolutions.

vertical sqwell logo
vertical sqwell logo